Hey, we updated email address/es for 2021
Still stuck for answers ???
Yep, we get it and would like to help resolve that. If you have a genuine or sensible enquiry, and the question isn’t already explained in our detailed website, we will endevour to answer it promptly and accurately for you by email (and add the detail to the website / FAQ to help others if general advice)
Please submit all general and competitor enquiries via email direct to 2021 [at] greenislandnats.org
Social distancing ???
Day jobs ?? The Event organisers all love a chat. Especially about things involving warm water and windsurfing. Or cold beers, often dark. Gelati, mostly green or sometimes brown, but always big. As in always. And big. They also donate a serious chunk of their personal time, energy and resources to the sport they love, to ensure this is a landmark event in modern Australian windsurfing… Please respect the fact they also lead busy lives with hectic work schedules to enable them to support events like this (and cover their own costs). Handling enquiries of a general nature by phone etc may be social but not always be so efficient. Thanks for your understanding.
If you have a genuine suggestion or support offer of any nature, we would also love to hear from you.
Please contact our event management team directly at event[at]greenislandnats.org
For Media and professional promotion enquiries, please contact our Media Director
Sean O’Brien.
Email: seanobrien@aus120.com